Our Eucharistic Revival is underway for the next three years and Adoration is a perfect way to help celebrate that. Because of so many parishioners finding this a profoundly moving faith experience, we will now have 12 Hour Adoration each First Friday.
Come spend an hour in prayer and adoration of our Lord, Jesus Christ and bring your intentions to his True Presence.
Please note: All are welcome at any time. If you can't commit to a specific time, please drop in any time during the 12 hours. If you can't join in person, perhaps try to connect in prayer, say a rosary, fast for an hour, etc.
The lights will be on, and we want to make sure Jesus is not left alone. So please take the time to let us know when you can spend time with our Lord in Adoration. Sign up here online. Signups will also be available in the narthex. (Photo credit Bob Porter)